I Get to Decide
Sometimes I forget that I have the power to choose…
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
I Get to Decide
Sometimes I forget that I have the power to choose…
The poet W.S. Merwin an ecologist and interesting human being, said,
Thinking Big
I’m tired of thinking big. Everyone says… “Think big. You could do great things if only you’d:
And on and on.
Fill In The Blank
I’m not the kind of person who _______________
I’m not the kind of person who likes to dress up or wear make up.
I know that it takes pressure to create a diamond,
For me, it’s easier just to pretend that people are trustworthy,
Everyday, when I walk my dog in the morning, we come to a four-way intersection.
Sometimes, I’m invisible. When I’m feeling vulnerable or lonely, I feel ‘unseen.’ In my dysfunctional family,
Don’t Tell Me There’s a Reason For Everything
I know someone who lost a new born.
Gratitude vs. Taking For Granted
What I Expect…
At this time of the year,