Entrepreneurship isn't just founding a company, it's building skills, taking small risk, trying and failing.
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
What’s “Cool”…
When I was in high school, I was not cool.
Of Course It’s Personal
It feels very personal when someone criticizes me,
Everyone Else is Cool, I’m Awkward
If you know Jenna Marbles,
“Repeating the words “I don’t know” allows us to question tightly-held ideas. A ‘don’t-know’
Let’s say I’m confused and unsettled. I’m not unhappy necessarily,
I read a story on Quora about an introvert who was afraid to dance.
When I allow someone to get under my skin,
“…imagination is the single most useful tool mankind possesses…” Ursula Le Guin
Kids vs.
It only makes sense that if we’re afraid,