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When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
Someone I know picks one word to focus on for the new year.
The Creative Journey
With the exception of a few special people, creating is hard work.
What’s A Pile?
In this case, a pile is the stuff that I am responsible for.
Different is Good
Do you know this musician? Jimi Hendrix.
I Can “Help”
I don’t mean to be arrogant when I offer my thoughts on what you should do about,
But She’s Special, Why Aren’t I?
In a world where we all want to feel special,
Start From Where You Are
When I think of the challenges I have in my life,
The Authenticity Dilemma
Authenticity = being true to one’s own personality,
Acting As If Everything is Fine
I like to act as if everything is fine.