If I’m Talking, I’m Not Learning 1 “But there ain’t no point in talking when there’s nobody listening…” Rod StewartListening as LearningI need to remind myself that learning to listen to others is one of the keys to a happy life.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on December 1, 2016June 1, 2017 In Entrepreneurship, Life Transitions, Personal development attitude, Change
A Reputation Is A Terrible Thing To Waste 0 First Impressions Matter: In Person? Online? Your reputation has as much impact on your life as what you actually do.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on November 2, 2016June 1, 2017 In Life Transitions, Reputation management career transitions, Change
Swearing and Spelling 0 I find it surprising and disturbing that recruiters are still holding two things against job seekers in their social media posts:Swearing and spelling.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on February 25, 2015June 1, 2017 In Life Transitions, Reputation management career, career transitions
10 Blogs I Love…Learning and Laughing 1 One big difference between adults and kids is their attitude towards learning. Kids just go with the flow.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on May 9, 2013June 1, 2017 In Life Transitions, Personal development, Skills, Social media blogs, confidence
Tweet That Job: Recruiters Love Twitter, Do You? 0 If you are a job hunter and you are not using twitter, perhaps you want to think again.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on May 2, 2013June 1, 2017 In Future of work, Job search, Life Transitions, Personal development, Reputation management, Skills, Social media career transitions, employment
The Facebook Nightmare – Lost Job Opportunities… 1 Anyone who reads my blog knows that I have a very healthy skepticism of Facebook.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on October 17, 2012June 1, 2017 In Future of work, Job search, Life Transitions, Reputation management, Social media career, career transitions
Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants – The War is Over 0 At work, the war between the kids (20 somethings) and the old people (50 somethings) is over.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on August 23, 2012June 1, 2017 In Job search, Life Transitions, Personal development, Reputation management, Skills, Social media bring your own device, career training
Blogs, Frogs and Dogs 1 How many blogs do you read?Do you know what an RSS feed is?Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on April 4, 2012June 1, 2017 In Future of work, Job search, Life Transitions, Personal development, Reputation management, Skills, Social media attitude, blogs
Stop Using Facebook 1 I’m a capitalist and an entrepreneur and respect people who start businesses.What I don’t like are businesses that take advantage of customers.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on March 6, 2012June 1, 2017 In Job search, Life Transitions, Skills, Social media attitude, Facebook
Then: Get Thee to a Classroom — Now: the Teacher is Waiting…Online 0 Ok, I’m an old dog and everyday, I have to learn new tricks. I don’t like it but… Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on September 20, 2011June 1, 2017 In Job search, Life Transitions attitude, career transitions