Entrepreneurship isn't just founding a company, it's building skills, taking small risk, trying and failing.
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
Shaping A Life
The idea of combining 1) earning a living and 2) loving every minute of my life,
The Creative Journey
With the exception of a few special people,
Oops, Excuse Me, I F’d Up, My Bad
As a girl,
Follow Your Passion – Not
There’s a lot of discussion about following your ‘passion’
Everyone Else is Cool, I’m Awkward
If you know Jenna Marbles,
Let’s say I’m confused and unsettled. I’m not unhappy necessarily,
If you are unfamiliar with the man in this drawing,
It only makes sense that if we’re afraid,