The Kids Are Lazy, Self Absorbed, Difficult 0 This is what I heard in 1969 when I sat with 150 other young people outside a public building to protest the war in Vietnam.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on May 2, 2012June 1, 2017 In Life Transitions, Personal development, Skills, Social media attitude, Change
6 seconds = How Long Your Resume Gets Looked At… 0 Have you ever been on the hiring side of a resume? It’s not fun.You often feel like this guy.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on April 11, 2012June 1, 2017 In Future of work, Job search, Life Transitions, Reputation management, Social media career, career transitions
Blogs, Frogs and Dogs 1 How many blogs do you read?Do you know what an RSS feed is?Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on April 4, 2012June 1, 2017 In Future of work, Job search, Life Transitions, Personal development, Reputation management, Skills, Social media attitude, blogs
March Madness: Let There Be Inspiration 0 Maya Moore, you probably have never heard of her. In basketball circles, people smile when they hear her name.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on March 29, 2012June 1, 2017 In Future of work, Life Transitions, Personal development, Social media No tags
Stop Using Facebook 1 I’m a capitalist and an entrepreneur and respect people who start businesses.What I don’t like are businesses that take advantage of customers.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on March 6, 2012June 1, 2017 In Job search, Life Transitions, Skills, Social media attitude, Facebook
I’m Telling Mom…No One Likes a TattleTale 0 No one likes a tattletale. Well, unless the information is valuable. So when you are looking for a new job (exciting and terrifying),Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on January 4, 2012June 1, 2017 In Job search, Life Transitions, Skills, Social media career transitions, finding work
The Stupidification of American Adults 0 Pretty soon dolphins will be smarter than people. Look at this picture, a dolphin has learned how to use a laptop.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on December 29, 2011June 1, 2017 In Future of work, Job search, Life Transitions, Skills, Social media attitude, career transitions
No Thanks, I Don’t Want to Work For You… 0 A 30-something is in the middle of a job interview. The hiring manager is excited about the young man sitting in front of him.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on December 13, 2011June 1, 2017 In Job search, Life Transitions, Skills, Social media attitude, career transitions
New Executive Title – “Custserv/HR/Mktg/IT” Leader 1 Functions in the workplace are converging. Social media is jumbling responsibilities at the enterprise at an alarming rate.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on November 17, 2011June 1, 2017 In Life Transitions, Social media career, Change