In my professional life, I never had a job that someone had before me. I didn't look for that, it just happened. I love to read and be outdoors. I have been in marketing for several years but I also have been a teacher, run an information center, licensed a biological product from the Cornell Biotech Institute and brought it almost all the way to market. I like to speak publicly and am a published poet. I work hard to listen to people and be concise in my answers. Looking forward to getting to meet lots of interesting people.
Posted on In Life Transitions
Brother Can You Spare a Dime?
The Gods Must Be Crazy or Maybe I Am
At you can pay the company to ‘manage’ your online reputation. Hmmm.
Ugly People Need Not Apply
Previously we talked about not judging people by their looks in networking. The one person whose style or approach seems unappealing –
Google Interview Question: “How Many Basketball[s] Can You Fit in This Room?”
In the only question you need to ask in an interview we talked about asking questions.