When you see someone driving a Ferrari, are you envious or do you feel sorry for him/her?
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When you see someone driving a Ferrari, are you envious or do you feel sorry for him/her?
When I say your ‘business’ I mean whether you HAVE a business or whether you ARE the business.
Some people say that the world is falling apart. Some say it’s never been better.
Do you remember stories that were told in your family? In my family, my grandfather used to tell,
I visited (helped out) one of my children recently; they just had their first child.
It’s been a long,
I hope I am growing old disgracefully.
I know I was a disgrace when I was young.
I just learned about this… Got Your Six.
In the military when someone tells you that they’ve “Got Your 6,”