Celebration of Difference
We’re More Alike Than Different
One great thing about 2018, is our ability to see the world from our phones.
Bad Juju
Negative Breeds Negative
I pay attention to the energy I put out into the universe.
Your Life is Your Life.
The Laughing Heart (excerpt)
your life is your life.
Why Am I Talking?
I Can “Help”
I don’t mean to be arrogant when I offer my thoughts on what you should do about,
It’s All Relative
What Makes Me… Me
When I was a kid, my siblings and I created a collage.
Things I Know, But Cannot Explain
Things I Know
When I was young, I was sure of things.
Self-Esteem Is Overrated
Acting As If Everything is Fine
I like to act as if everything is fine.
The Case For: “I Don’t Know”
“Repeating the words “I don’t know” allows us to question tightly-held ideas. A ‘don’t-know’
Unexpect Everything
Expectations –