Job Interview Question: Why Are Tennis Balls Fuzzy?
I recently gave a talk in front of a group of senior executives (older folk) who are ‘in the hallway’
Growing Old Disgracefully
I hope I am growing old disgracefully.
I know I was a disgrace when I was young.
This is Your Life. Do What You Want…
A Dog Never Tells What She Knows…
What Can You ‘Give’ Your Children?
I have two children; they are wonderful people. There are times when I wonder what I gave them.
No Boss, No Office and My Peers Decide My Pay… What?
“Imagine a company where everyone is equal and managers don’t exist. A place where employees sit where they want,
Finishing: Be First or Last… But Finish
“You have to finish things … you learn by finishing things.” Neil Gaiman
When I think of all the projects I have started and never finished…
Why Grit, Not IQ, Predicts Success
I am thinking of two mid-30’s business leaders.
One went to Yale and had a lot of advantages in life.
Got Your Six
I just learned about this… Got Your Six.
In the military when someone tells you that they’ve “Got Your 6,”