“Failure is a Process … You Have to Fail Over and Over”

When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
I recently gave a talk in front of a group of senior executives (older folk) who are ‘in the hallway’
I hope I am growing old disgracefully.
I know I was a disgrace when I was young.
I have two children; they are wonderful people. There are times when I wonder what I gave them.
“Imagine a company where everyone is equal and managers don’t exist. A place where employees sit where they want,
“You have to finish things … you learn by finishing things.” Neil Gaiman
When I think of all the projects I have started and never finished…
I am thinking of two mid-30’s business leaders.
One went to Yale and had a lot of advantages in life.
I just learned about this… Got Your Six.
In the military when someone tells you that they’ve “Got Your 6,”