My Word would be "love". There are many ways to love. But mostly i want to learn to appriciate and…
On Trust Myself
This is really good. I'm in the process, as a 34 year old, of learning this. Thank you!!!
On Trust Myself
I think my word would be ‘forgiveness’. I’ve learned to be gracious with others as I’ve grown older, but I’ve…
On Trust Myself
I know this is a cliche, but I have so much admiration for nurses, just for being such amazing supportive…
On Tikkun Olam
I really enjoy reading your blog Debbie! Thank you for taking your time and energy to share such insightful thoughts.…
On Free Yourself
This post is really insightful. I am at a turning point in my life where I am trying to work…
On Can I Change?
I need this blog in my life right now, Debbie! Going through a major and unexpected career transition that side-swiped…
On Can I Change?
Thank you for this Debbie! It's just what I needed rn 💕🙏🏿
On Can I Change?
A nice, simple reminder to just be yourself. I love it <3 It's funny because the more you're your ordinary…
On Humans Aren’t Special
Hi Debbie! A friend of mine sent me a link to your blog, and being curious I clicked on it…
On Small Things