To some, this is a picture of trees; nice trees and greenery.
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
To some, this is a picture of trees; nice trees and greenery.
I was reading book that mentioned being indifferent to others…that treating others with indifference was a way to make them feel small and alone.
I was one of those people who could do a good job faking it.
I was raised a good girl, a good, “do what’s expected of you”
In mid-December, I saw this pint container of eggnog at the store.
Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I need to up my game and here’s why.
I’m the one who gives help and wisdom and all my goody-ness.
I see a lot of fear and frustration in people’s eyes. there’s a kind of weariness that comes from stress and uncertainty.
I have been thinking about the American “spirit.” We favor independence, originality, go-getterism. I was on a call with some people and one of us mentioned that they had just hired an 11 year-old to mow their lawn.