Anything Worthwhile Will Take a Long Time
We live in a hurry-up world so I think it’s discouraging for many of us that the world is not a ‘better’
You’re A Genius … In Your Own Way
“Everyone is gifted, but some people never open their package...”
Where Are You Today: In the Future or the Past?
My hope is that each of us takes a minute every day to breathe in and out a few times.
I Don’t Know You, Why Should I Help You?
Why do these people look happy? They look like they’re doing the dreaded “networking.” I’ve learned to appreciate the power of networking,
Single Best Piece of Career Advice
People at all stages of their careers look for work that ‘fits’. But most of us don’t know how to find it.
I Hate Being A GrownUp
One of the good things about about being a grown up is that you get to choose when you act/think like a kid.
Creating Work You Love (Sounds Scary or Ridiculous)
Why am I an entrepreneur? “We’ve made the decision to let you go,”
Nothing is Certain, But Everything is Possible
Do you remember stories that were told in your family? In my family, my grandfather used to tell,
Listen My Children And You Will Hear…
“I’m frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person,