If you don’t know James Altucher, I recommend that you check him out. He’s one of my favorite thinkers/truth tellers.
When I was young, my dysfunctional family made daily life very chaotic. While I wouldn’t wish that type of churning nuttiness on anyone,
Self Respect and the Joy of Self Reliance
“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life — this is the source from which self-respect springs.”
Embracing the Mess
“Embrace the glorious mess that you are.” Elizabeth Gilbert
“Doggone It,
Job at Google? No Thanks.
A lot has been written about interviewing and working at Google.
I’ll Do It Myself – Independence Is Overrated
I HATE asking for help. In my world,
Want to Be a Success, Be Nice
It may seem counter intuitive in this dog eat dog world,
Persistence + Love = Abundance
“Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.”
I Hate Being A Grown Up, Maturity is Overrated
Be Strong not Stubborn
Firm not Harsh
Flexible not Fickle
Humble not Proud
Helpful not Showy
Affectionate not Hurtful
Annoyed not Resentful
The Glue and not the Crack Being You yet Accepting others
Brave yet Grateful
Helpful yet Modest
Right yet Wrong
Successful yet Grounded
Angry yet Composed There are a lot of benefits to being a grown up and there’s a bunch of sh*t too.
Curiosity – Brought Back the Cat
Now that I am old(erish), I thought my curiosity about the world would decrease. After all,