Last week I gave two presentations at the New York State Society for Human Resources Management conference and I met people from all kinds of organizations, all of them hungry to understand how social media is affecting their business. It’s clear that these professionals, like most of us, have a love hate relationship with social media. We love how it connects us to old friends on Facebook and hate trying to keep up with all the new ‘stuff’ that comes out. It’s pretty overwhelming.
Our discussions at the conference went beyond Facebook and Twitter and included a broader set of tools like Yammer,, Wikis, video and so much more. Beyond the toolkit, there is the ever important compliance piece of this equation and we covered that as well. You can find the presentation here.
Wherever you work and in almost whatever department, you need to understand the fundamental shift that is occurring and why it is changing the way we work, collaborate, think, relate and engage with stakeholders. Before I went to the conference, I read a post by the former PunkrockHR blogger. She now blogs under the title of I loved this post about kicking HR to the curb. It’s all pretty much common sense but whether you are an HR professional, an employee or a job seeker, I hope you will take a minute to check out the funny way this information is pulled together. We love it, we hate it but we can’t ignore it.
What do you think?