As I go through my talk, inevitably the most vocal opponent (the one who kept telling me how insightful they are and how stupid I am) sees the light and suddenly wants my help. Hmmm…
Why are there so many jobs posted on Twitter?
— It’s free, fast, easy, has an incredibly broad reach AND all those people who think social media is stupid won’t be looking there!
Back to the job hunt. Of those 500 job posts per minute, there are, of course, redundant jobs BUT… the question is… how can you use what’s there to help you?
Using Hashtags to Boost Your Job Search is a terrific article on how to use Twitter effectively (Hashtag =# = keywords). Hashtags such as #jobs, #jobadvice, #jobhunt and #jobsearch offer both job openings and general job search advice. If you’re looking for high-level information to help your job search, start here.
Put the hashtag in the twitter search bar and up will pop articles (links) that may help you. Geographic hashtag can narrow your search, #roc = Rochester, NY. Also, there are hundreds of recruiters on twitter, Check out this resource. Follow the smart people on Twitter and you might be surprised how much you’ll learn. Got Twitter job search tips? Please share.
Arthur Catalanello
October 27, 2010Hi Deb,
Great blog post, as always! The latest “fad” on Twitter is a twist on #FollowFriday called #HireFriday. It’s picked up momentum since Chris Brogan endorsed the movement.
Job seekers send a tweet containing their name, the desired position, desired location, a skill set or two and a link to their online resume or LinkedIn profile. It’s Twitter, so there’s not much room. Hashtags are used (at minimum, #HireFriday). Recruiters, HR Professionals and other kind people on Twitter re-tweet the #HireFriday posts to their followers.
But does it work? Absolutely!! My VisualCV regularly goes from 30 views on a Thursday to over 240 views on a #HireFriday!
When was the last time your LinkedIn profile generated that kind of viewership in one day?!?
Keep up the great work, Deb!
Kind regards,
Arthur Catalanello
October 27, 2010Good Grief. I’ve tried this. When you’ve been laid off, you’ll try anything. But looking for a job on twitter is like reading every posting on, or, in the olden days, reading every want ad in the NY Times. Oops, I’m way over my 140 character quota.
October 27, 2010I hope you have used the resources available for filtering jobs. There are excellent tools for filtering, just like we don’t read every job on Monster, we filter them for the area of our expertise.
In addition, you can look for companies that are hiring and think about whether their vendors might be hiring. Learn about recruiters in your industry and follow them. As we said, twitter isn’t stupid if you follow smart people. I certainly sympathize with those looking for work. Best of all to you all.
Career Sherpa
October 28, 2010Deborah:
Super post. Yes, there are jobs to be found on Twitter. More importantly, IMHO, are the opportunities to network. Using Twitter has been invaluable to me as I build my business, not in chasing after opportunities, but in making connections!
And to Bobby:
Follow Deborah’s advice on using tools to filter out the stuff you don’t need. Learning how to use Twitter takes a small investment of your time, but is well worth it. By the way, there are jobs posted by Tweet My Jobs and @Rochester_Jobs_ plus many local companies. Try again!
November 5, 2010Hello Debbie
So true, i use to be on twitter for just fun when it first came out. I use to have friends tell me it was so dumb, but yet they never even attempted to use it. I never looked for jobs, just posted funny things and tried to harrass celebrities lol. Great post, i think i might join the twitter again in the near future, it was fun and btw I am going to marry Jenna. that’s it for now!