What the heck is twitter? Twitter is a way to talk and listen to a variety of people online. Think of it as a cocktail party.
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
When One Door Closes Another Opens, But It's Hell in the Hallway!
What the heck is twitter? Twitter is a way to talk and listen to a variety of people online. Think of it as a cocktail party.
To love what you do and feel that it matters, how could anything else be more fun? Katherine Graham
What would it take for you to be joyfully jobless?
A few years ago, standard advice for a job seeker would have included: get a degree or spiff up your resume.
Looking out the window this morning, I saw a goldfinch fly by pines, beeches and oaks and I thought, ‘Am I a tree or a bird?’
Sometimes I see a job and say, “Wow, what would I need to do to qualify for a job like that?”