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You Can’t Always Get What You Want…..

But if you try sometimes, you get what you need…The Rolling Stones rarely got it wrong (Keith Richards?) and there is a great message in this song for all of us today.

I’m focusing on what I have instead of what I want. For today, I have what I need: health, family, friends, a place to live, and food. How about you? How can you pursue what you need with gusto and joy? Defy negative thinking. Try replacing the …” things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be” with “what can I do to better my little corner of the world.” Attitude, intention and action say it all. This is a teachable moment for our children and grandchildren. Let’s make the most of it.

There is a group on Linked In that picked up the discussion that was started on Facebook called  Defy the Recession.  (To find the group, sign in to Linked In, click on groups and type in defy the recession.) Here are few of the movement’s  ‘mindsets.’
• Promise to see possibilities where others blindly accept problems.

• Refuse to comply with naysayers, prophets of doom, Chicken Littles, doubting Thomas’s and other glass-half-empty types.

• Make even smaller molehills out of molehills.

• Choose to be agile rather than afraid.

In addition, I think the down economy is helping America in many ways. Families are hunkering down and enjoying each other.

• Our need to “consume” is waning. We shop less and focus more on living.

• We proved to the oil companies that we can and will reduce consumption of gasoline.

• The President (like or dislike him) is focusing on making us energy independent. Do you remember the ‘War on Poverty’ (Lyndon Johnson) or “Putting a Man on the Moon” (John Kennedy)? Out of each of these national priorities came innovations of all kinds. Agree or disagree with the way we’re going about it, it’s an excellent goal.

What do you think?

Enjoying Your Life – Free or Inexpensive fun things to do

Have you ever been to the Lamberton Conservatory in Highland Park? It’s warm inside and the plants and flowers are amazing, particularly in the dead of winter. Spanish moss, a real banana tree and orchids delight the senses. It completely takes me out of the real world. They currently are charging $2.00 to visit. After your visit, let me know how you liked it.

3 Responses
  • Great post! In sum, life is about people, not things and the more positive your attitude, the more positive the people will be who you attract into your life.

    One of my favorite sayings is:

    “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worthwhile.” ~Herm Albright, writer

  • Karl Heinz Kremer
    April 20, 2009

    The Lamberton Conservatory is now charging $3 – was there last weekend (the proof is here: – and you are right, especially on a nasty day, it’s so invigorating to be in a warm and bright environment).

  • Deborah
    April 20, 2009

    Hi Karl, thanks for your photos, they are beautiful. Also for the update on pricing.

    What do you think?

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