Wanna Be A Teacher? Be a Student. 0 I have the privilege of being a teacher. I am grateful for the opportunity and in general,Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on January 7, 2015June 1, 2017 In Entrepreneurship, Future of work, Life Transitions, Personal development attitude, career transitions
Are You Learning as Fast as the World is Changing? 0Do you think the world is changing too fast?Yeah, so do a lot of people.Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on September 17, 2014June 1, 2017 In Entrepreneurship, Job search, Life Transitions, Personal development, Skills adventure, attitude
Are You a Dinosaur in the Making? Pay Attention to How You Learn. 1 “Show me a company that’s been in business for 50 years and I’ll show you a company on its way out of business,”Continue reading... ByDeborah Posted on September 13, 2009June 1, 2017 In Life Transitions customers, Fortune 50 companies