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You’re Doing It Right – The Lemonade Movement

Chris Brogan blog & newsletter inspire

There’s a new movie coming out called the Lemonade Movement. Lemonade Movie.  I don’t know much about it except that I watched this video trailer for it and found it inspirational.  The clip shows people who have lost their jobs who are now doing new, fun and fulfilling work. Not what they planned on… but much better. So I say, they’re doing it right. If you haven’t seen it yet, take a minute to watch this short video of people who lost their jobs and found themselves.

I’m just like these folks and many of you; I’m out there finding my way. I know that though there are many risks and a lot of uncertainty; there are also some very cool rewards. Each of us can find our way. That’s what makes it good. What’s even better is that we can stand by each other and offer encouragement. I hope you’ll take a minute today and encourage yourself and someone else.

And speaking of doing it right; if you don’t know or follow Chris Brogan, I suggest you check him out. Chris is the co-author of a terrific book call Trust Agents. Check out his book and blog and my favorite, his newsletter. He writes it like he’s talking just to me.  He reminds me to help and promote others, not to take myself too seriously and to always do good work. I appreciate that because I know he is walking the walk.

You are on the verge of something something big. Let me know what it is…

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