“Mother Nature” is a wizard. Humans can make beautiful things, precise things, but nowhere do we find the perfection that is the flower. Color and shape, in abundance. Beautiful is often ‘neat’, clean, consistent, coherent, symmetrical. We are taught to appreciate ‘beautiful’, but we are not taught to appreciate messy, transitions, fading.
I look for and appreciate, the messy. These seashells were ‘alive’ and now, they have passed, and are still beautiful in their messiness.
Living and Dying
Mother Nature shows us, everyday, the cycle of life. She also teaches us to appreciate not just the living, but also the transitions of life.
It seems to me that all ‘organic’ things are constantly in transition. My relationships? They grow and change. My work? It has cycles. My health?
If we only appreciate what is beautiful, we miss so much! Appreciate what you have, whether it is neat or messy, living or dying.
Image Credit: Emma Allen (@EmAllGP) Kniphofia rooperi opening on the Dry Beds
Image credit: Seashells on the Beach
Image credit: dying flowers
What do you think?