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You’re a Genius – Everyday

Why We Judge Others

Did you judge someone today? Maybe you’re not even aware of it. It’s a habit and way of thinking in modern society. Anytime we think we know what someone “should” do, we are judging. In the quote above, Einstein gives us an idea of how to check if we are being judgmental.

Judgement is a problem because it makes others feel “less than” and doesn’t give room for live and let live.

There is a difference between stating your position and putting someone else down. My aunt Dorothy (b. 1899 d. 1998) taught me by example that judging people is not only a waste of time, but also, doesn’t contribute to one’s overall well being. Here’s an example.

Don’t Try Harder, Try Different

Let’s talk about the rights of gay Americans. Whether you like it or believe it’s ‘natural’ is beside the point. Let’s talk about the right to carry a gun. Whether you like it or think its good for society is beside the point.

The point is to listen not judge. If I judge the person who is gay or who wants to carry a gun everywhere, then I miss the opportunity to grow, to see the world from someone else’s point of view. I miss the opportunity to keep an open mind, to learn, to change, to adjust. I just dig my heels in and build walls. I judge that fish by it’s ability to climb a tree. Not. relevant.

There Is No Grapefruit at the Hardware Store

You can’t get grapefruit at the hardware store. If I am always mad when I leave the hardware store (for it’s lack of ANY fruit) – whose fault is that?

The point is to find a balance between having an opinion/belief and being open minded enough to get along, go along and help make things better. The key word is compromise. Lighten up a little. Pay attention to when you “judge”. What are you afraid of that makes you dig your heels in?

Image credit: You’re a genius all the time.

2 Responses
  • Jay
    October 16, 2015


    This is a great quote for Common Core. This idea is a double-edged sword. Can there be growth if we are never critical?

  • Deborah
    October 16, 2015

    Jay, of course you are correct. Critical thinking and debate are very important. My post is an observation about how people address change. I see less ‘listening’ to the side, less ‘compromise’ and more judging. Judgement – dismissing the legitimacy of another person’s point of view – does not serve moving our society forward.
    As we observe our own political discourse and gridlock in our Congress; it’s evident that we must find a way to be more respectful and find a way forward. This is a tricky thing in a country of 300+ million people, who have divergent backgrounds and living situations. It can be hard for people who live in cities to understand hunting and fishing as a way of life. Conversely, it can be difficult for rural Americans to understand that when so many people live so close together, that social issues can be more pressing.
    I encourage respectful disagreement and a full airing of both sides with an eye towards solutions… harnessing all that genius!

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