A very dear friend of mine recently passed away suddenly at the tender age of 62. She was a spiritual seeker, yoga teacher, artist. mother, widow and generally an inspiration. When I read these words, I thought of her. Practical, simple and profound. If I were going to rename my blog… I’d probably call it, advice from a tree.
Advice From A Tree… Stand Tall

In my professional life, I never had a job that someone had before me. I didn't look for that, it just happened. I love to read and be outdoors. I have been in marketing for several years but I also have been a teacher, run an information center, licensed a biological product from the Cornell Biotech Institute and brought it almost all the way to market. I like to speak publicly and am a published poet. I work hard to listen to people and be concise in my answers. Looking forward to getting to meet lots of interesting people.
Michelle Kelly
February 21, 2014As per usual Deb, you share such inspiring words.
February 21, 2014If you cannot be a tree, be a tree huger.
February 21, 2014Hugger
Dan Ruchman
February 22, 2014Ahh, easy for a tree to say… I mean, this stuff comes pretty easy for your basic tree! 😉 But nonetheless great advice, perhaps especially for those of us for whom it doesn’t come so easily.
It just prompted me to look up and find the slightly longer piece from whence this came. For anyone interested, see https://www.yourtruenature.com/tree-journal.
It’s one of those things — both the long one and Deb’s extracted essence — that we would do well to put on the wall by our desks, to read every morning before the day starts. With practice, it just might become second nature to us. Deb, thanks.
February 23, 2014This reminds me of the lyrics from a rock and roll song…
“So often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key”
The song is Already Gone by the Eagles. I always think of this… if I’m stressed or unhappy or confused… do I have the key to peace of mind? The answer is almost always yes.
Great to hear from you Dan.
P.S. Over my desk… I keep a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. in his office, on his wall is Mahatma Gandhi. It reminds me of this quote… “you will come to realize that there is no situation too difficult to be bettered and no unhappiness too great to be lessened.”
And I add…as long as we are in this together.