What did they love? the silly pictures? the way I did the voices of the various characters? or simply the comfort of snuggling and reading the same story over and over – completely predictable in an unpredictable world. As children we are naturally attracted to what interests us. We are open. Life is compelling and fun. Do you still feel that way?
Check out one of my favorite bloggers – Julien Smith – his post 19 Thoughts on Finding Your Purpose. There’s a little something for everyone here. I particularly like…
“Go through your childhood and find what interested you. Combine those things and add a trend or two. Do it right and you’ll have a great business.”
What did you love as a kid? Do you still do it now?
If you can’t remember what you loved as a kid– think about how you can remember? Smells and sounds can be evocative so remember those childhood foods and songs and see if that helps. Ask someone who knew you then how they remember you.
What book, stuffed animal, cartoon, movie, friend, house, toy -do you remember? See what you can learn about yourself today.
As I kid I loved to read and write. I had a very difficult and unhappy childhood but I still remember sitting in an orange wing chair (oh the 70’s!) next to a window where birds chirped all day. Those books and that chair took me places where I felt safe. Now I look to find ways to help others “find their way.”
What did you love as a child and how might it help you be happier and more fulfilled today? You can do it!
What do you think?