For the rest of us, whether we are 25, 40 or 55…we are wondering what to do. This terrific article by Thomas Friedman, the well-respected economist, speaks directly to the issues . Here’s an excerpt…
While employers “are hiring; they are increasingly picky” and are “all looking for the same kind of people” — those “who not only have the critical thinking skills to do the value-adding jobs that technology can’t, but also people who can invent, adapt and reinvent their jobs every day… Professionals need an entirely new mind-set and skill set to compete.”
So, exactly what skills do you need to have in order to meet this new challenge? Here’s my take:
- Change agent – not just able to cope with change but create it – constantly
- Collaborator – find the right people to do the job and then work together a way to get it done – fast, seamlessly and on a shoe string
- Teacher/Student – learn everyday, on every project from all collaborators. See what works and what doesn’t and then help guide the team – either from a leadership or participant role – to success.
These are the skills that I am building – what would you add?
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What do you think?