Most of us are happy to give generously – by our definition. Small sacrifices. Winston Churchill’s quote encourages us to recognize that we give because it feels good and gives our lives meaning. The tricky part is to give in a way that is meaningful to ourselves and to the recipients.
I am an advocate for giving of our talents, whatever they are. If you are an artist… give lessons. If you are a programmer, program something! I am a business coach so I donate time to SCORE.
So today I am campaigning for two things. To ask you to:
1) Find a way to give through your job. I found this interesting website Global Giving which allows people to donate their talent — online– to help organizations. Check it out. You might be surprised.
2) Help your company identify an organization that your team can serve. Many people already probably give to causes through their affiliation with church or other ‘social’ venues. I am suggesting that your team pick a group to help as a group. And let me give you this hint… if it helps children and/or what effects their health… you will have more cooperation.
The more I read about inter-generational communication issues in the workplace the more convinced I am that purpose, outside of profits, benefits this cause directly. (Believe me I’m all for profits too!)
I recently presented at the New York State Lions Club and came across their Lions See project seeking to reduce childhood blindness in the US. It probably wouldn’t take much effort to a great program and your company will benefit as much if not more than the recipients. Let me know if you need any help finding a cause.
Carl Hoffman
June 1, 2012Philanthropy makes this world work. I volunteer my time with a local club and a local museum where I am a major donor. As a person who has spent his entire working life working for non-profit organizations financial gifts are a necessity. I do not believe it is an either/or decision. I am a pastor of an older congregation that is known for their volunteerism to other non-profits but our people also give generously and sacrificially. I have learned much from senior adults. My experience as a professional fund raiser has thought me that once you have a volunteer of services you have a better chance of having a financial supporter. Thanks for writing another stimulating entry and the opportunity for me to add my two cents.
June 4, 2012Now that I am getting along… I can see how my energy and years of experience pay off. I like your comment about if you get a person to volunteer their services.. the $ will follow. Amen to that! So good to hear from you.