– You never know when you might need a job OR help someone else find a job.
– You can learn a lot about a company from what they are posting and how they describe open positions.
– You might learn the name of a hiring manager or HR person who could help you with that company.
– If you see the same skills required for job postings; it could tell you that you need to update your skills.
So if you don’t have one, start an automated job search. I like Indeed.com as it aggregates jobs from other job boards. By the way, if you post your resume on job boards you open yourself up to all kinds of spammers. They troll job boards looking for contacts to sell ‘stuff’ to. Just be careful out there.
For more tips on job hunting, check out “10 Smart Things Job Seekers Do.”
Photo credit: The Santa Clara City Library Blog May 27, 2010 (thank you!)
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